Friday, July 27, 2012

another first

A friend recently asked me how I'm doing on the whole I don't have a baby but I want a baby thing. For the first time, I felt like I could answer that question without taking a huge gasp of breath and launching into the terribly tired monologue I mentioned earlier.

Omitting that whole scene felt like sweet relief washing over me. I was thinking about why this was and realized it's because I finally said what I needed to say. All those emotions and words that had been filling my thoughts and my heart found their resting place here.

And so I responded, I am really doing well.

I didn't have to pretty up my response to sell it because for possibly the very first time ever, I meant it.


  1. Relief: the strongest and most life-changing emotion.

  2. You know what is great? Having a place (or person) to tell it to. Makes it easier to deal with. Thanks for being my person this morning. I'm here to return the favor whenever (if ever) you need it.

    1. You are so right and it was my honor. I am sure I will need you to do the same. I'm glad we have each other.

  3. Oh, I love this post. So glad you have this space.
